New watering station takes flight at Kingsford 

New watering station takes flight at Kingsford 
14 February 2023

Don’t be surprised if you start to notice more feathered friends as you walk through Kingsford at Bullsbrook and its natural surrounds. 


It’s all thanks to a new bird waterer which has been installed at the picturesque Ki-It Monger to ensure native species such as Carnaby’s black cockatoo have easy access to fresh water. 


The first custom-designed hydration station to be located within the City of Swan, the initiative is the result of a community partnership between the Council, Bullsbrook Landcare Group and Okeland Communities – developer of the Kingsford residential estate.  


Unlike bird baths, the watering station’s shallow trough is designed to accumulate less debris and leaf litter meaning they require little to no cleaning.   


With water located four metres above the ground, it also ensures drinking birds are safe from predators.  


Forest Red-tailed cockatoos, Rainbow Bee-eaters, Galahs, Sacred kingfishers, Honeyeaters and Magpie-larks are expected to join their Carnaby’s black cockatoo cousins in availing themselves of the fresh, clean water pumped directly from the new water mains at Kingsford.   


Okeland Communities Project Director, Craig Graham, said the vision for Kingsford has always been to retain and enhance the beautiful natural assets.   


“Having birds and wildlife in abundance, along with local flora, makes Kingsford truly special,” said Craig.  


“We’re delighted that the bird waterer will add to the local biodiversity and add colour, sound and movement to the growing tree canopy within the estate.”  


Bullsbrook Landcare Secretary, Anne Janes, said the watering station was even more important due to climate warming and shows what can be achieved when the community comes together with a common goal.  


“It started with a passionate plea from local resident Lois Gearing to Cr Cate McCullough who then worked with us to gain support from the City of Swan and the developers of Kingsford,” she said.  


“It’s testament to the estate’s design which has embraced the Ki-It Monger Brook as a continuous nature corridor allowing birds and other wildlife to travel safely through Bullsbrook.”