The family name ‘Oke’ is derived from the old English word which means oak tree. The mighty oak tree with its canopy, like a giant umbrella, nurtures and protects the community.
The Oke family motto from the 17th century, was ‘quercus robur salus patria’ which translates to ‘the strength of the oak is the safety of our country’. This motto applies equally today, as our family and company are committed to creating places that enhance the greater wellbeing of the families who call the communities we create their home.
In honour of our roots and commitment to the legacy we are building, we recognise we have a significant responsibility to both the existing and future people who make up the communities we create such as Sunrise at Wellard and Kingsford at Bullsbrook and we take this responsibility very seriously.
To be part of a community is more than simply providing the houses to live in – it is about immersing oneself into the network of groups, organisations and stakeholders that give a community its heart and soul. The concept of ‘giving something back’ is well understood.
Okeland tries to identify the organisations and associations which best reflect the underlying culture of each community and provide them with long term financial support and expertise. If you believe your organisation fits these criteria, please contact us.
With strong roots, we are creating places where life flourishes.